Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I hope everybody had a wonderful mothers dayyy(: mine went veryy weell ☺!! last years mothers day was really hard because I had Anthony on the first , then we had the viewing on the 6th an then we barried him on the 7th , an then turn around on the 9th , it was Mothers day ; so it was really hard on me ): well ; sorry , this isnt going too be verryy long ; i juss wanted too see how everybodys mothers day went ; an wanted too show ya'll something really cute(:
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Äñ╬Höñ¥§ MòmM¥ && DÅdD¥(:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

⌂ Happy Mothers Day ⌂ (:

Happy Mother's Day too ALL of you(: I hopee you ALL have a wonderful mothers day ; juss know that your wonderful ÅÑGÉL§ from above are watching you (: I'm sorry I havent posteed pictures from Anthony's partyyy¥ but the site wont let me ; i dont know whyy ; but i wish i did ;; because i wanted ALL of you too see em ; but I have em on my myspace ; an everybody is welcome too add me ; Juss type in " Karie Guinn " an you'll find me ; or Dadsangel2993@yahoo.com you cann type in either of those ; an you'll find mee ; an im the only one there with "Anthony's Mommy" as my name(: but again "Happy's Mothers Day" everybody ; GOD BLESS YOU ALL(:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1st , 2010 ;;

well ; his birthdayy went well ; found out who my real friendssss are ; an there isnt veryyy many people eithheeer ; an you should know who you are ; we did something different , didn't go as planneeeed ; who bought this fence kinnnda thing , an put it around his grave , an put the angel we bought in there , a friend bought him a bear , and some flowerrrrs ; then we got some balloons an everybody wrote something on them , an tieeeed em too the fence (: but we got two more that everybody signeeed an let one go , an we're keeepinnng one(: we had cake , which turned out pretty well ; pictuuuresss will be up soon(: