Six More Days ):
Anthony's birthdayy is in sixx more days ; its hard too believe ! It's Tony'ss momma's birthday tooday(: she's up there holding Anthhony for us till we can make it up there(: she never got too hold Tony , so she's holding her grandson (: I've prettyy much got his party planned out (: this is going too be REALLY hard on us ; I'm juss glad I'm going too have Tony && All my friends by myside ; I cant wait till Anthony's party(: an again , if you wanna send something , then email me ; ; ;
Yea girl i cant wait either:)!! And i know it is going to be hard on u and tonyy but things will be ok!! I cant wait till his bday!! Idk what to get him!:( But i will figure it out:)!!! Well i will see u saturday! Love yall
I hope his party goes well! I know it'll be hard!